Library items classified under: Music

The Way of Heaven

Confucius, Rodney L. Taylor

File Type: PDF

Shanti Mantras: Sahana Vavatu

File Type: Audio

Will the Stars Sing on the Last Day? Cosmology and Eschatology

Michael Root

File Type: PDF

Dancing the Islamic Way

Shahzad Bashir

File Type: PDF

Buddha as a Musician: An Illustration of a Jataka Story

Bo Lawergren

File Type: PDF

The View from Above and the Vision of the Heart

Jason M. Baxter

File Type: PDF

Pu’an Mantra / Stanzas of Siddham (Pu’an Zhou/Shitan Zhang)

File Type: Audio, Video

Music: Metaphysical Correspondences

Alain Daniélou

File Type: PDF

Baqashot: El Mistater (The God Who Hides)

Avraham Maimin

File Type: Audio, PDF

The Hasidic Nigun

Hanoch Avenary

File Type: PDF

Sonic Liturgy—Introduction

Guy L. Beck

File Type: PDF

Bektashi Music of Anatolia—Ashik Songs

File Type: Audio

The Dance of Shiva

Ananda K. Coomaraswamy

File Type: PDF

Sacred Music and Hindu Religious Experience

Guy L. Beck

File Type: PDF

Kumulipo: Hawaiian Creation Chant

File Type: Audio

Akathistos Hymn: “Salutations to the Virgin Mary”


File Type: HTML

Ethiopian Dabtara: The Musician and Transmission of Religious Tradition

Kay Kaufman Shelemay

File Type: PDF

The O Antiphons

Fr William Saunders

File Type: Audio, HTML

Rabbi Nachman: Selected Aphorisms

Rabbi Nachman of Breslov

File Type: PDF

Shakuhachi Zen: Mukaiji

Alcvin Ramos, James H. Sanford, Yoshio Kurahashi

File Type: Audio, PDF

Music as a Tool for Self-Realization in Chinese Culture

Rafa? Mazur

File Type: PDF

Holy Week Gregorian Chant, Abbey of Jouques

File Type: Audio

Sultan Bahu: Alif Allah chambe di booti

Jamal J. Elias, Sultan Bahu

File Type: Audio, HTML

Syriac Orthodox Chant: “Like the Merchants” (Akh tagorye)

File Type: Audio

Gaelic Psalm Chanting


File Type: Audio

Marc Loopuyt: Art & Wisdom of the Oud — UK events 2019

Marc Loopuyt

Central Asian Song by Munojot Yulchiyeva

Munojat Yulchieva

File Type: Audio

From Shamanism to Sufism: Female Singers from Central Asia and Sufism

Razia Sultanova

File Type: PDF

Qur’an: Juz’ ‘Amma

File Type: Audio

“De tu boca a los cielos” Jewish Women’s Songs in Northern Morocco as Oracles of Communal Holiness

Vanessa Paloma Elbaz

File Type: PDF

The Cosmic Dance

Aelred Squire OP

File Type: PDF

Liturgical Music in Music Therapy Practice

Severina-Maria Oprea

File Type: PDF

Mozart – A Celebration of an Unconscious Mystic

John Tavener

File Type: PDF

Listening for God in All Things: Carmina Gadelica

Philip Newell

File Type: eBook, PDF

Aymara Dance of the Kunturis (Condors)

File Type: Audio

Metaphysics of Musical Polyphony

Marco Pallis

File Type: Audio, HTML, PDF

The Metaphysical Meaning of the Musical Scale of Plato’s Timaeus in Proclus

Sebastian F. Moro Tornese

File Type: PDF

The Song of the Sibyl

File Type: Audio

Nigunim (Hasidic Songs)

File Type: Audio

À propos du tracé directeur de l’instrument à corde

Luc Breton

File Type: PDF

Sanskrit Alphabet Shiva Sutras (Maheshvara Sutrani)

File Type: Audio

And Why Bach?

J.S. Bach, Rosalyn Tureck

File Type: Audio, HTML, PDF

Indian Music

Ananda K. Coomaraswamy

File Type: PDF

Bach as Architect and Servant of the Spiritual

Tjako van Schie

File Type: PDF

The Power of a Melancholy Humour: Divination and Divine Tears

Angela Voss

File Type: Audio, PDF

New Jerusalem Glowing: Songs and Poems of Leonard Cohen in a Kabbalistic Key

Elliot R. Wolfson

File Type: PDF

Sacred Audio: Native Religions

The Kiowa Story of the Flute

Belo Cozad

File Type: Audio

Sacred Audio Collection (Home)

File Type: Audio

Salve Regina (Audio)

File Type: Audio

Ubi Caritas

File Type: Audio

Yayue/Aak (Ancient Chinese Court Music)

File Type: Audio

Akathist Hymn to the Mother of God (Audio)

File Type: Audio

Gagaku (Music of the Imperial Court, Kyoto)

File Type: Audio