Library items classified under: Christianity

Mary, Star of the Multi-confessional Mediterranean

Amy G. Remensnyder

File Type: PDF

Will the Stars Sing on the Last Day? Cosmology and Eschatology

Michael Root

File Type: PDF

Conversations with My Own Heart

Metropolitan Anastasy

File Type: PDF

On Light (De Luce)

Robert Grosseteste

File Type: PDF

Prayer: An Adventure in Living

B. C. Butler

File Type: PDF

The Spirituality of Work and the Body Social

Jean Hani

File Type: PDF

The Seven Sleepers of Ephesus

Bart?omiej Grysa, Pieter W. van der Horst

File Type: HTML, PDF

On the Eastern Tradition of the Arrow Prayer

Fr. Anthony St. Shenouda

File Type: PDF

Transfiguring Voluptuous Choice

Stephen Muse

File Type: PDF

Macarius: The Fire in the Heart

George Maloney, Pseudo-Macarius

File Type: PDF

La Martorana: Church of St Mary of the Admiral in Palermo

Maria Vaiou

File Type: PDF

The Buddhist Jhanas and Mystical Prayer and its Degrees

Daniel Millet Gil

File Type: PDF

Luminaries: Twenty Lives that Illuminate the Christian Way, by Rowan Williams

Harry Oldmeadow, Rowan Williams

File Type: PDF

The Rule of St Columbanus

St Columbanus

File Type: PDF

The Rule of Saint Benedict

St Benedict of Nursia

File Type: Audio, PDF

Shared Rituals Through Ziyarat in Lebanon

Nour Farra-Haddad

File Type: PDF

The Imitation of Christ

Thomas a Kempis

File Type: Audio, PDF

Saint Sharbel of Lebanon

Mar Charbel Family

File Type: PDF

What is Symbolism?

Martin Lings

File Type: PDF

Revelation as Concealment: The Theology of the Icon Screen

Maximos Constas

File Type: PDF

Sinai Expeditions—Icons

The House of Mary in Ephesus

Manoël Pénicaud

File Type: Video

Divine Love in the Medieval Cosmos

Jack Ford

File Type: PDF

“For He is Our Peace”: Thomas Aquinas on Christ as Cause of Peace in the City of the Saints

Matthew A. Tapie

File Type: PDF

The Veil of the Temple: A Study of Christian Initiation

Marco Pallis

File Type: PDF

Teresa of Jesus and Islam: The Simile of the Seven Concentric Castles of the Soul

Luce López-Baralt

File Type: PDF

Akathistos Hymn: “Salutations to the Virgin Mary”


File Type: HTML

A Portion of Heaven on Earth: The Tradition of Enclosed Gardens

Michaela Eskew

File Type: PDF

Ethiopian Dabtara: The Musician and Transmission of Religious Tradition

Kay Kaufman Shelemay

File Type: PDF

The Seven Liberal Arts and the West Door of Chartres Cathedral

Titus Burckhardt

File Type: HTML, PDF

The O Antiphons

Fr William Saunders

File Type: Audio, HTML

Making Sense

Martina Bagnoli

File Type: PDF

“This is my body”: Symbolism in bread & bread-making

Phillip Serradell

File Type: PDF

Jesus Prayer—Prayer of the Heart (audio)

File Type: Audio

Sacred Icons

Aidan Hart

File Type: PDF

Time and Eternity: Christian and Modern

Ananda K. Coomaraswamy

File Type: PDF

Between Time and Eternity

John of the Angels, Juan de los Angeles

File Type: PDF

The Voyage of Saint Amaro: A Spanish Legend in Nahuatl Literature

Louise M. Burkhart

File Type: PDF

St Brendan’s Navigation: Landscape and Paradise in Early Medieval Ireland

Elva Johnston

File Type: PDF

A Mystical Encounter: Beaurecueil and Ansari

Minlib Dallh

File Type: PDF

Simone Weil on the Lord’s Prayer: “Une attention pure

Simone Weil

File Type: HTML, PDF

Playing Cards with God, Sister Mariana da Purificação

Joana Serrado

File Type: PDF

Holy Week Gregorian Chant, Abbey of Jouques

File Type: Audio

The Library of Saint Catherine’s Monastery: intellectual treasures and spiritual perfection

Charles Méla

File Type: PDF

Syriac Orthodox Chant: “Like the Merchants” (Akh tagorye)

File Type: Audio

Turning to the Heart to Find the Pearl of Eternity

William Law

File Type: PDF

The Qualities of the Solitary Bird

San Juan de la Cruz, St John of the Cross

File Type: HTML

Gaelic Psalm Chanting


File Type: Audio

On Those who Think that They are Made Righteous by Works

St Mark The Ascetic

File Type: PDF

What Is a “Good Life”?

Rowan Williams

File Type: Audio

Kebra Nagast: The Queen of Sheba and Her Son Menelik

E.A. Wallis Budge

File Type: PDF

Ignatian and Hesychast Spirituality: Praying Together

Tim Noble

File Type: PDF

Thomas Merton (1915-1968) An Appreciation of his Life and Work, by One Who Knew Him

Marco Pallis

File Type: HTML, PDF

Modern Science and the Dehumanization of Man

Philip Sherrard

File Type: HTML, PDF

The Qur’an in Comparison and the Birth of ‘scriptures’

Alexander Bevilacqua, Jan Loop

File Type: PDF

Portrait of Walatta Petros, an Ethiopian Saint

Derek Gideon, Galawdewos, Wendy Belcher

File Type: PDF

The Cosmic Dance

Aelred Squire OP

File Type: PDF

Liturgical Music in Music Therapy Practice

Severina-Maria Oprea

File Type: PDF

Carthusians and Spiritual Guidance

Gordon Mursell

File Type: PDF

Reflections on the Right Use of School Studies with a View to the Love of God

Simone Weil

File Type: PDF