Conversations with My Own Heart

Metropolitan Anastasy (Gribanovsky)

If these fragmentary jottings reveal even a grain of truth, which we are obliged to confess and preach with our actions, our words, and our writings, and if only a few people nurture these grains of truth in their souls, adding to the paucity of my words with their own wisdom, this will serve to be the most treasured reward and the best justification for the publication of this book.

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The science of Christian moral perfection is found in a series of antinomies… one must humble oneself to be raised up. One must be weak to become strong. One must become a fool to attain true wisdom. One must reject everything to obtain everything. One must lay down one’s life to receive itonce more. One must die in order to resurrect and live eternally.

Reproduced with thanks to The Print Shop of St Job of Pochaev Holy Trinity Monastery, Jordanville, New York.